Open Space Method Definition

Open Space Method Definition Open Space Technology is one way to enable all kinds of people in any kind of organization to create inspired meetings and events Over the last 30 years it has also become clear that

Open Space Technology OST is the most free and best focused method of large group facilitation from 35 to several thousand participants Smartpedia Open Space is a participative conference format in which participants plan topics to be discussed in a self organised way and then discuss them in individual groups Open Space

Open Space Method Definition


Open Space Method Definition





Open Space Technology OST is a flexible and scalable approach designed to enable people in any kind of organization to create inspired meetings and events Developed in the mid 1980s by Harrison Owen an organizational consultant Open Space Technology OST is a group facilitation approach for small and large gatherings in which a central purpose issue or task is addressed but which begins with a purposeful lack

Open Space is a straightforward way to create participant driven events to address a specific question or theme After being introduced to the principles and practices of open space participants are invited to build the event schedule Open Space Technology or simply Open Space is a meeting framework that allows an unlimited number of participants to form their own discussions around a central theme

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Open Space Technology What is an Open Space Technology meeting Open Space Technology has been defined as a simple powerful way to catalyze effective working conversations and Open Space Technology OST is a powerful and flexible approach to organizing meetings conferences and workshops that promote collaborative problem solving creativity

Open Space Technology requires very few advance elements There must be a clear and compelling theme an interested and committed group time and a place and a leader What is Open Space method It is a self organizing practice of inner discipline and collective activity which releases the inherent creativity and leadership in people





What Is Open Space Technology › what-is
Open Space Technology is one way to enable all kinds of people in any kind of organization to create inspired meetings and events Over the last 30 years it has also become clear that

Open Space Technology TheWorkshopLeader › facilipaedia › panels...
Open Space Technology OST is the most free and best focused method of large group facilitation from 35 to several thousand participants





















Open Space Method Definition - Open Space Technology or simply Open Space is a meeting framework that allows an unlimited number of participants to form their own discussions around a central theme