What Is The Minimum Width Of A Public Footpath

What Is The Minimum Width Of A Public Footpath The minimum width you need to keep undisturbed is 1 5 metres for a field edge footpath 3 metres for a field edge bridleway You should avoid cultivating a cross field

a the minimum width is i as respects a footpath which is not a field edge path 1 metre ii as respects a footpath which is a field edge path 1 5 metres iii as respects a The width of a path can often be a contentious issue The following guidance is designed to help Officers and Landowners understand how widths and heights on the public rights of way

What Is The Minimum Width Of A Public Footpath


What Is The Minimum Width Of A Public Footpath





What is the minimum width of the footpath The width of footpaths depends upon the pedestrian traffic and may be fixed with the help of the following norms subject to not be less than 1 8 m For a cross field footpath the minimum width is one metre and for a cross field bridleway it is two metres Field edge footpaths must be kept clear to a minimum width of one and half metres

Ideally the footway should be a minimum of 1 5 metres wide for temporary situations but if this cannot be achieved the existing footway can be reduced to an absolute minimum of 1 metre The width of the footpath can be suitably increased or a separate pedestrian bridge in be considered depending on site condition However minimum width of the footpath

More picture related to What Is The Minimum Width Of A Public Footpath







The legal definition of a footway is a way comprised in a highway which also comprises a carriageway being a way over which the public have a right of way on foot only The Disability Where footpaths border the edge of a field they must not be ploughed although if they cross a field they may be ploughed but a minimum path width of 1 metre must be made within 14 days of ploughing As a general rule footpaths are

You must ensure that the minimum legal width of the path is kept clear from growing crops to prevent them obstructing the line of the path This will also help to stop people wandering Paths should have a maximum slope of 1 6 On steeper sloping ground steps may be required Private roads shared private drives and private drives should have adequate rainwater





Public Rights Of Way Landowner Responsibilities GOV UK

https://www.gov.uk › guidance › public-rights-of-way...
The minimum width you need to keep undisturbed is 1 5 metres for a field edge footpath 3 metres for a field edge bridleway You should avoid cultivating a cross field

Highways Act 1980 Legislation gov uk

https://www.legislation.gov.uk › ukpga › schedule
a the minimum width is i as respects a footpath which is not a field edge path 1 metre ii as respects a footpath which is a field edge path 1 5 metres iii as respects a





















What Is The Minimum Width Of A Public Footpath - Ideally the footway should be a minimum of 1 5 metres wide for temporary situations but if this cannot be achieved the existing footway can be reduced to an absolute minimum of 1 metre