Bullard Houses Role Of Seller Negotiation Plan Bullard Houses Role Play Simulation Helps Researchers Explore Gender Inequality PON Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School Bullard Houses Role Play Simulation Helps Researchers Explore Gender Inequality By PON Staff on September 11th 2017 Teaching Negotiation
Exercise Title The Bullard houses Your Role Buyer Jones Jones Their Role Seller Downtown Inc Interests buy the Bullard Houses with the lowest possible price for my client as a residential housing developer without prematurely revealing Milton s plan to develop a high rise hotel continue using the Bullard name for the hotel 27 Share 25K views 9 years ago Teaching Negotiation Resource Center TNRC Bullard Houses is a two party multi issue real estate negotiation role play exercise between representatives
Bullard Houses Role Of Seller Negotiation Plan
Bullard Houses Role Of Seller Negotiation Plan
Negotiation Stages Introduction 48 OFF Gbu taganskij ru
Bullard Houses Buyer Planning Document CONTEXT I Am A Senior
Students will Assess their ability to deal with difficult demands while maintaining a positive relationship Examine their perceived relationship and situation Explore the role of reciprocity Discuss the integrative approach to negotiation Gain a better understanding of the totality of a negotiator s interests 1 Achieve the sale of the Bullard Houses at the best possible price and as soon as possible given the costs of maintaining the property 2 Preserve the historical structure of the Bullard Houses residential property as it was the sole reason Downtown acquired the property back in the first place
The Bullard Houses are located on Bay Drive in Gotham City Gotham a regional commerce and shipping center is a city of approximately 800 000 with an additional 3 million suburban residents in the greater Gotham metropolitan area Publication Date Jan 1 1983 Discipline Negotiation Product PON124 PDF ENG What s included Teaching Note Educator Copy 4 95 per student degree granting course 8 95 per student non degree granting course Get access to this material plus much more with a free Educator Account Access to world famous HBS cases
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Bullard Houses Role Play Simulation Helps Researchers Explore Gender Inequality PON Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School Bullard Houses Role Play Simulation Helps Researchers Explore Gender Inequality By PON Staff on September 11th 2017 Teaching Negotiation

Exercise Title The Bullard houses Your Role Buyer Jones Jones Their Role Seller Downtown Inc Interests buy the Bullard Houses with the lowest possible price for my client as a residential housing developer without prematurely revealing Milton s plan to develop a high rise hotel continue using the Bullard name for the hotel

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Bullard Houses Role Of Seller Negotiation Plan - 1 Achieve the sale of the Bullard Houses at the best possible price and as soon as possible given the costs of maintaining the property 2 Preserve the historical structure of the Bullard Houses residential property as it was the sole reason Downtown acquired the property back in the first place